Step 1: Proponent Submits Request
Person submitting request:
I have reviewed the website information about Permanent Road Divisions (PRDs), including the FAQs and formation flowchart.
At this time, I would like to request a review by County staff for potential PRD formation for improvement/maintenance of
Name of road(s)
Road located on Thomas Guide Map: Page number Quadrant
The approximate total length (in feet) of road needing improvement is
The road(s) proposed for improvement/maintenance directly connects to a publicly maintained road named . I understand that my request to form a PRD will only be considered if more than ten (10) parcels will benefit from the improvement and the existing road is at least twenty (20) feet wide. I also understand the formation process can take 12 to 18 months or more and should PRD formation be successful, the road(s) will be declared “public” and access to the public cannot be blocked, denied, or gated.
I have identified property owners willing to serve as members of the PRD road committee. Our committee chairperson will be:
Our additional committee members will be (two minimum):
I understand that future communication from the County regarding this request will be directed to the road committee chairperson indicated above.
Step 2: County Response to Request
PRD formation staff visit the site and invites proponent(s) to develop a proposed boundary map identifying parcels that benefit from the proposed improvements.
The County sends to proponent by mail:
• Proposed boundary map
• Name and address listing of parcel owners appearing to benefit from the improvements
• Expression of Interest forms (unsigned)
The Expression of Interest forms - indicating preliminary support for the proposed PRD - must be signed by greater than 60% of property owners within the proposed district. Be advised that signing the Expression of Interest in no way obligates property owners, but merely indicates preliminary support for the concept of forming a PRD.
Step 3: Proponent Submits Completed Documents
Proponent submits by mail:
• Completed Expression of Interest forms containing signatures of greater than 60% of property owners within the proposed district.
• Marked-up boundary map: Portion of road(s) you wish to be improved/maintained and any additional parcels you feel would receive benefit (if not already included in the proposed boundary) should be delineated using a colored highlighter pen.
Step 4: Cost Estimate
County staff develop a work program and cost estimate for the road improvements in conjunction with the road contractor.
Step 5: Engineer’s Report
A third party Assessment Engineer prepares an Engineer’s Report. An estimated repayment schedule is prepared and project costs are broken down by benefit unit.
Step 6: Proponent Requests Property Owners Meeting
Upon request, the County attends a property owners meeting where all owners of property within the proposed district are invited to attend. The purpose of the meetings is to explain the process of forming a PRD; to review and explain the work program and cost estimate; to explain the benefit unit apportionment; and to discuss and explain the project spreadsheet and repayment schedule.
County staff and the Assessment Engineer give a presentation and are available to answer questions.
At the end of meeting, the proponent is left with:
• Petition of Understanding and Support for Road Construction forms (unsigned)
• Public Road Certification forms (unsigned)
Step 7: Proponent Submits Completed Petitions and Road Certifications
• Completed Petition of Understanding and Support for Road Construction containing signatures of greater than 60% of property owners within the proposed district. This petition includes the estimated cost of the project and loan amount which is going to be sought.
• Public Road Certification forms signed by at least five property owners. This certification declares the road has been open and freely used by the public for more than five years without objection.
Step 8: County Proceeds with Steps to Form PRD
The Assessment Engineer’s Report is finalized and Board letters are prepared. Formation requires three Board of Supervisor hearings. Ballots are mailed to property owners after the first hearing and must be circulated for at least 45 days. Public testimony is received at the second hearing. At the third and final hearing, ballot results are reported. If at least 50% weighted vote approval, Board can approve PRD formation.