Smart Business Recycling Program | SCDHEC

Smart Business Recycling Program

Businesses – large or small – buy goods and services, use energy and water, and generate and dispose of waste. In fact, more than half of the waste generated in South Carolina comes from businesses.

Operating in an environmentally responsible manner, companies can lead by example with daily practices that help protect and preserve the environment and the state’s natural resources.

The Smart Business Recycling Program is a free and confidential initiative designed to:

• Help South Carolina businesses reduce their environmental impact;
• Provide technical assistance to companies to initiate or develop green practices such as waste reduction, recycling, purchase of recycled products, energy and water conservation; and
• Recognize companies for their recycling and sustainability efforts with an annual rewards program.

The program – which was created by the Office of Solid Waste Reduction and Recycling of the Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) – offers these services through phone / email consultations, sites, workshops and other tools.

How can I join the Smart Business recycling program?

Three easy steps: reduce, recycle, report!

Smart business reduce logo

First step: reduce

Schedule your FREE and CONFIDENTIAL site visit!
• Download the Smart Business Recycling Guide here.
• Analyze your current waste stream with a waste audit.
• Identify opportunities for waste reduction and recycling.
• Buy products with recycled content.

Smart business recycling logo

Second step: recycle

Design your recycling program and acquire equipment.
• Launch your new program — with the support of the Smart Business team!
• Educate and promote.
• Need help with instruction? Schedule a training session with us.
• Recycle the right way – download the “Office Dirty Dozen” poster.

Smart business report logo

Third step: report

Signal your success.
• Track what is recycled in your organization.
• Report your data for the annual reports of SC Solid Waste Management.
• Apply to be a Smart Business Recycling Award winner and get statewide recognition for your program and efforts!

Questions? Email or call 1-800-768-7348.

Benefits of the Smart Business Recycling Program

Waste reduction and recycling not only conserves natural resources and helps protect the environment, but can also benefit your business by:

  • achieve savings through reduced disposal costs and materials;
  • provide potential income from the sale of recycled materials; and
  • demonstrate leadership and commitment to your community by potentially attracting new customers.

Smart Business Recycling Program in the WasteWise Hall of Fame

EPA WasteWise

WasteWise is one of the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) longest-standing partnership programs that helps thousands of businesses, educational institutions, governments, and non-profit organizations to better manage their municipal and industrial solid waste, which saves them money and resources.

Any organization can join WasteWise – which celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2019 – as a partner, endorser, or both. Partners show how they reduce waste, practice environmental stewardship, and integrate sustainable materials management into their waste handling practices. Endorsers encourage registration with WasteWise as part of a comprehensive approach to promote the environmental and economic benefits of waste reduction. All partners are eligible for national recognition under the EPA’s annual WasteWise rewards program. DHEC’s Smart Business Recycling program joined WasteWise in 2000 as a partner and endorser and is a member of the WasteWise Hall of Fame.