Recycling: Taiwan Ambassador Commends Ministry of Education for Educating Children

His Excellency Ambassador Michael Chau-Horng Lin (right) and Ministry of Education Permanent Secretary Mr. William Vincent Hodge walk past Government Headquarters during the 2022 Child Month Parade

By: Pierre NgunjiriPress release

    BASSETERRE, ST. KITTS, Jun 27, 2022 (MMS-SKN) — The Resident Ambassador of the Republic of China (Taiwan), His Excellency Michael Chau-Horng Lin, commends the government’s efforts through the Ministries of Education and Environment to sensitize young children the importance of recycling the waste generated in the country.

    Ambassador Lin had, on Friday, June 24, joined the Minister of Education, the Honorable Vincent Byron Jr. and the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Mr. William Vincent Hodge, and other senior officials to the 37th celebration of the final event of Children’s Month, the Children’s Parade, which started at the Tamarind Tree in Greenland and ended at West Independence Square in downtown Basseterre.

    “I was delighted to attend the Children’s Month 2022 parade this morning, held under the theme ‘Recycle: Save the Earth for the future of our children'”, said the Ambassador. at the end of the walk. “In fact, I am very touched that so many young school children, from preschools to primary schools, attended the parade.”

    Hundreds of children who demonstrated their skills in recycling and reusing discarded materials from the clothes they wore and other items they displayed were accompanied by their teachers and parents when they participated in the parade. According to His Excellency Ambassador Lin, everyone is an individual living on this planet, and if people do not cherish the earth, they might end up damaging it for themselves and future generations.

    “We must save the earth for the future of our generations and our children,” Ambassador Lin said. “That’s why we’re having the parade today, and that’s why I joined the parade this morning with all the Ministry of Education officials, and I just wanted to be part of it and encourage all the school children to recycling, starting immediately and in the future.”

    A partnership between the Federal Government of St. Kitts and Nevis and the Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) has resulted in the establishment of the St. Kitts and Nevis Solid Waste Management and Recycling Project which was officially launched in March this year. The goal of the project, funded by the Taiwan International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF), is to help with waste management and reduction.

    Accompanying Ambassador Michael Lin in the Children’s Parade on Friday, June 24, was the Director of the St. Kitts and Nevis Solid Waste Management and Recycling Project, Ms. Joyce Chang.

    “Our goal now is to educate every child in this country to start recycling in school, and back home, they could teach their parents how to recycle,” Ambassador Lin said. “For young children to start knowing how to recycle all these materials, it will help to reduce the total amount of waste created on a daily basis, because on average, according to research carried out by Ms. Joyce Chang, in Saint Kitts and Nevis all the world produces 1.7 kg per day, which is higher than the average produced in other neighboring countries.

    The Ambassador noted that the parade would teach school children to start the idea of ​​how to reduce, reuse and recycle resources because all the material that is thrown into the landfill is just rubbish, but if it is recycled and reused, it could become a resource in the same way as PET (polyethylene terephthalate) bottles, aluminum cans or metal cans.

    He pointed out that if one were to visit the St. Kitts landfill or the Nevis landfill, one would notice that they are in fact overflowing, indicating that the people of St. Kitts and Nevis produce too much waste. which could be reused, and recycled.

    “In Taiwan, everyone has to do recycling, and we specifically have PET (polyethylene terephthalate) bottles and glass bottles, metals, plastics and paper,” observed His Excellency Michael Lin. “But now in St. Kitts, we’re starting from PET bottles, metal cans and aluminum cans.”

    The St. Kitts and Nevis Solid Waste Management and Recycling Project includes points where these items are collected on select days of the week in St. Kitts and Nevis. The points in St. Kitts are in Conaree at the airport roundabout, in Buckley in front of the Best Buy supermarket and in Dieppe Bay along the main island road, while in Nevis the point of pickup can be found on the empty lot between Delta Gas Station and Ole House Café in Stoney Grove.

    “After collecting all of these materials, they will be stored at the landfill in St. Kitts and Nevis, and then we can ship them for final processing in the United States and several different countries,” the ambassador said. “The money we generate could be put back into the economy and we could provide financial aid to schools or communities. This is a goal we would like to achieve. »


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