Even with the minimum of $ 36.73 per tonne received for the nine products on average in September 2019, that amount was still more profitable than landfill, Morris said.
“We kept the materials out of the landfill, we got the highest possible value, we allowed everyone to work, we made the most of a bad situation. “
Regarding the impact of single-stream recycling – the current model in which all Quad-Cities household recyclables go into a single bin without sorting – the overall volume of products supported is 60% higher than before Morris said. Before the start of the single flow in 2016, the center received around 7,000 tonnes of products per year. To make the new recycling center and single stream sustainable, it needed more volume. So he got 14,500 tons per year from the Illinois Quad-City communities. During the first five years, the total tonnage increased to 40,000 tonnes per year.
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