This letter is in response to Philip Schertz’s letter, published on on January 24 and in the January 26 print edition of Montclair Local, saying it’s time to stop recycling plastics because it is not effective.
Although Mr. Shertz exposed the parts of the plastics recycling system that are broken, his suggestion to stop is dangerous. Conjuring up images of our plastics falling into the ocean or being incinerated is of course appalling, especially when one imagines them being used to make park benches (a growing industry). But the alternative is for the plastics to take a ride in our garbage trucks where we pay per pound to throw them away, or ship them on other boats to dump in the ocean. Currently, our plastics are recycled along with glass and metal. So while a small part of transporting plastic is productive, I think the overall effort is worth it.
Equally important, and outside of Montclair, there are places where recycled plastics are fulfilling their promise – economically, efficiently. We train our children to be responsible global citizens, to show respect for the planet wherever they live, and to work to change the faulty systems they encounter. Taking individual actions like reducing our waste, traveling responsibly, eating sustainably and recycling reminds us that we all have to do our part.
This is what has brought us to an era of global climate awareness, even if it seems locally wrong. Now is not the time to stop. It’s time to do better.
Debbie Villarreal-Hadley
The Opinion section of Montclair Local is an open forum for civil discussion in which we invite readers to discuss city business, articles published in Montclair, or previously published letters. The opinions expressed and published in this section are solely those of the authors and do not represent the opinions of Montclair Local.
Letters to the Editor: To send a letter to the editor, email [email protected], or email “Letters to the Editor”, 309 Orange Road, Montclair, NJ, 07042 (e- mail is preferred). Submissions should include the author’s name, address, and phone number for verification. Only the author’s name and city of residence will be published. Montclair Local does not publish anonymous opinion pieces.
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City center: The Montclair Local also accepts longer opinion essays from residents aimed at generating discussion on community-specific topics, under our “Town Square” banner. “Town Square” essays should not exceed 750 words and topics should be submitted to [email protected] at least seven days prior to publication.