Plant Health Bulletin and Forest Reproduction Material number 45 November 2021

This bulletin includes important updates on movement restrictions introduced to protect the country against certain introduced tree pests, imports, exports and regulation of forest reproductive material (FRM).

1. Movement restrictions

1.1 Update on Ips typographus found in Kent and East Sussex

Forest managers, landowners, the forest industry and nurseries are urged to remain vigilant after summer finds of Europe’s largest eight-tooth spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus) in Kent and East Sussex.

A demarcated area, enforced by the Plant Health (Ips typographus) (England) Order 2019, remains in place and covers parts of south-east England. In this area, additional movement restrictions apply to spruce material capable of spreading the pest. As a result of the latest findings, the demarcated area has widened this year, as shown in the updated map.

More information on Ips Typographus is available at GOV.UK ..

Updated information for sellers of spruce Christmas trees

Healthy Christmas trees have little exposure to the spruce bark beetle Ips typographus, which prefers dying and stressed trees. However, in order to minimize the risk of spread, the transport of Christmas spruce trees cut over 3 meters in height from affected areas must be authorized by the Forestry Commission.

The material will be inspected before shipment and its movement must comply with the conditions set out in a letter of authorization provided by the Forestry Commission. If you are growing such material in the demarcated area (see above), please contact [email protected] for advice.

1.2 Phytophthora pluvialis

Phytophthora pluvialis, is a fungus-like pathogen known to affect a variety of trees, including western hemlock. It has been discovered in Cornwall and Devon and Cumbria and surveillance is ongoing. To protect the country against this disease, under powers conferred by the official controls (plant health and genetically modified organisms) regulations 2019 (England), the Forestry Commission has introduced demarcated areas around confirmed outbreaks and has introduces movement restrictions on materials liable to spread. disease. For the latest information on Phytophthora Pluvialis, please see GOV.UK.

2. Imports

2.1 New measures against the poplar borer (Agrilus fleischeri)

New legislation for Agrilus fleischeri will come into force on December 2, 2021. This wood-boring beetle is a poplar and willow pest native to Asia, present in China, Japan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, North Korea, Korea South and Russia. The measures apply to imports from these countries, which means that sawn timber will only be allowed under certain conditions, for example coming from a pest-free zone or having undergone the treatment described below. No changes will be made to import requirements for countries known to be free from the pest.

Processing requirements for imports of poplar and willow lumber will now include bark free and heat treatment (56 ° C / 30 min) or ionizing irradiation up to 1 kGy.

All other categories of wood products, including chips, particles, sawdust, shavings, wood waste and isolated bark, must originate from a pest-free zone within 100 km from a known outbreak of Agrilus fleischeri.

2.2 Strengthening of ash legislation

As of December 2, 2021, current regulatory controls on the emerald ash borer (emerald ash borer) on ash wood will be extended to apply to all imports of sawn timber, wood chips and bark. from third countries. Imports will only be allowed under certain conditions, for example from a pest free area or having the treatment below. The measures are in response to the growing threat of newly reported outbreaks of emerald ash borer in St. Petersburg and Ukraine. The Forestry Commission must be pre-notified of all imports of ash wood and bark from any European country, and these must be accompanied by phytosanitary certificates issued by the country of origin.

Processing requirements for imports of sawn ash or bark lumber will include ionizing irradiation up to 1 kGY.

Entry conditions for sawn ash timber from the United States and Canada under the EU exemptions retained (decisions (EU) 2020/1002 and 2020/918, respectively) are not affected.

2.3 Important information on the notification of certain imports of firewood into the UK from Europe

From December 2021, enhanced measures will be introduced for imports of ash firewood into the UK. The new rules will apply to solid fuelwood and any shredded wood containing ash. Ash firewood, which has been notified under the Statutory Firewood Notification System (SNS), will now be classified as a regulated material. Shipments must be accompanied by phytosanitary certificates issued by the country of origin and notified to the phytosanitary inspectors of the Forestry Commission before unloading.

If the firewood you import is not regulated, you should continue to use the Statutory Notification System (SNS).

The methods of checking the equipment will be:

  • checks can be carried out inland at the places of destination (PoD) until July 2022 for EU originating material. Physical checks can also take place at border control posts (PCF)
  • import fees will apply to all regulated material
  • From July 2022, physical and identity checks of regulated plants and plant products, wood, wood products and isolated bark will be carried out at border control posts (PCF)

2.4 Fumigation reintroduced as a phytosanitary treatment for certain wood species

When some fumigation measures were omitted from the retained EU regulations, they were reinstated in the Phytosanitary Conditions Regulation. The measures that are reinstated apply as follows:

  • in entries 109 to 114 for coniferous wood and wood chips originating in various countries
  • under headings 131 for oak chips and 137 for maple and poplar chips originating in Canada and the USA

The amending law is Animal Health, Plant Health, Seeds and Seed Potatoes Regulations 2021 (various amendments).

3. Exports

3.1 Launch of new revised electronic application for phytosanitary applications (EAPC) system delayed until early 2022

Due to unforeseen technical issues, the planned launch date of the EAPC system for fall 2021 is now expected to be the first quarter of 2022.

3.2 End of the holiday season – requests for phytosanitary certificates for export

The phytosanitary forestry office will be closed from December 24, 2021 to January 4, 2022. Please request any phytosanitary export certificate by Wednesday, December 15 to ensure it can be processed on time.

To help us assist you, an early indication of shipments (especially coniferous roundwood) expected in January would help us manage peaks in demand.

4. Forest reproductive material

4.1 Forest Reproductive Material Online (FRM) system started

The progressive role of the new system began on October 26.

The new system allows users to:

  • apply online to become FRM provider
  • Apply online to become a Basic Material Manager (BMM)

Once a FRM agent verified and authorized an application to become a FRM supplier or a basic equipment manager, the user can perform the following operations:

  • notify the Forestry Commission through their FRM Supplier’s account of their intention to collect seeds or take cuttings
  • contact the Forestry Commission through their FRM Supplier account for a Master certificate for a collection
  • apply for registration of seed stands, seed orchards, clonal material or parental material of tree families
  • once approved, update and modify the details of their base material

Users can view their seed collection notifications and master certificates.

Basic material managers can view the basic material records that they have recorded.

5. Surveys

5.1 Plant health

Forestry Commission Plant Health Forestry Silvan House 231 Corstorphine Road Edinburgh EH12 7AT

Phone: 0300 067 5155 Email: [email protected] Web: Import and export of timber and timber products

5.2 FRM

Phone: 0300 067 5041 Email: FRM@ Web: Marketing of reproductive material for forestry This newsletter and previous editions are available at: Plant Health News