New Santa Ana | Santa Ana Temporary Residential Curbside Recycling Carts Collection Delayed Due to COVID-19

Due to the continued driver shortage caused by COVID-19, Waste Management is still collecting residential curbside recycling carts that were not serviced last week. In addition, less than 10% of the residential curbside collection carts scheduled for Monday were not picked up. These combined issues are impacting this week’s recycling collection services. Delays due to COVID-19 cases may continue.

All residential recycling carts not collected on your normal day of service will be serviced during that week before the end of the day on Saturday. Continue to place your carts at the curb on your normal duty day. For those whose carts weren’t picked up last week, excess recyclables that won’t fit in your cart can be bagged and placed curbside next to your cart.

Please note that this ONLY affects the COLLECTION OF RESIDENTIAL CTE RECYCLING TROLLEYS (gray trolleys). Garbage cans (burgundy trolleys) and green waste (green trolleys) to be collected according to the regular schedule.

The curbside Christmas tree collection continues but could also be delayed. Please leave your Christmas tree at the curb for collection.

Please contact the Waste Management Customer Service Center at 714-558-7761 or visit to access the virtual assistant and connect with a live customer agent. Thank you for your patience as we continue to manage the impacts of this pandemic.

Plazo de Recolección de Reciclaje Residencial

Có Sự Trì Hoãn Lấy Rác

COVID-19 Santa Ana Waste Management