We are launching a commercial recycling service as part of the new Waste Strategy.
This new and improved recycling service will replace the existing service, first introduced on a trial basis in 2003, in partnership with DEFRA and only available to schools.
The commercial waste team was able to rethink, modernize and expand recycling collections to include businesses in the borough thanks to a successful funding offer of just over £ 130,000 from the Waste & Resources Action Program (WRAP) . Currently only offered to businesses located near schools, a full recycling service is expected to be available to all Kirklees businesses over the next 12 to 15 months.
What will the redesign of the service include?
In addition to extending the service to businesses, this redesign of the service allows schools to recycle their waste more and must be closely linked to their environment and our climate change objectives. Each school that signs up for the new recycling service will receive two internal 60-liter clear plexiglass containers allowing the materials inside to be visible, encouraging recycling and reducing the possibility of putting bad items in them. Schools will also receive a free composter and options for educational assemblies and workshops provided by council recycling advisers to further encourage recycling with students and staff.
We organize a competition with local schools
To celebrate the launch of the new recycling service, we are running a competition with schools to design artwork that will appear on the side of the new recycling wagon. The contest is open to all classes in all schools registered with the recycling service, and the winning school will also receive one year of free collection.
Councilor Will Simpson, Cabinet Member for Culture and Greener Kirklees, said:
“This new commercial recycling service is just one more way our resource and waste strategy continues to improve our waste services and brings us closer to our vision of a carbon neutral Kirklees.
“There are now over 100 schools and 80 businesses registered for the service ready to start in September and that number will increase as it becomes available to more businesses across the borough.
“Listening to commentary from the Our Voice Climate festival in March 2021, we know that our children are passionate about recycling and preventing climate change. We hope they take this opportunity to make a difference in their schools and take learning home, improving recycling throughout the district. “
Do schools and businesses have to register for this?
All eligible schools and businesses have been contacted. However, if you have not yet registered and would like or want to know more about our commercial waste services, visit http://www.kirkleesbusinesssolutions.uk/Services/6045