Poker Run to Benefit the National Guard Program
Join us on Saturday, June 25 for the 9th Annual Poker Run to benefit National Guard Family Support. All vehicles accepted – 2, 3 or 4 wheels.
Registration is from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. at the American Legion, 3095 Villard Ave. Kickstands up at 10am and the next stop is the Wheel Inn in Lincoln.
From there, the ride heads to Lake Seeley and will stop at the Chicken Coop. On the way back, the next stop will be in Ovando at Trixi, followed by the Spotted Dog Saloon at Elliston. The final stop will be at Eagles 4040 in East Helena.
Breakfast and dinner are provided. Poker hands $10 each, 50/50 draw, door prizes, with a silent auction at the end.
Electronic recycling event is today
Friday, June 24 is 406 Recycling‘s monthly electronics recycling event in support of the Good Samaritan Thrift Store. This monthly event is the perfect time to responsibly recycle broken, obsolete, or unwanted electronics.
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Pickup is from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the parking lot of the Good Samaritan Thrift Store located at 3067 N. Montana Ave. Most office, computing and entertainment electronics are accepted for responsible and secure data recycling. Many items are accepted free of charge, including personal electronics, office equipment, entertainment systems and accessories. Charges may apply for older style televisions and monitors, large televisions and microwave ovens. A voluntary $10 donation to Good Samaritan is encouraged.
406 Recycling’s food waste and compostable product collection program, 406 Compost will also be on hand to talk to individuals and businesses about compost collection and compostable foodservice options. A bucket exchange program for rural customers is also available for those who want to keep organics out of their trash and away from critters. Current exchange sites include The Good Samaritan and The Real Food Store. 406 Compost is a contractor in the town of Helena and provides front door service to homes in and around town. More details are available at or by calling 406-449-6008.
Build Exploration Event Saturday
A free, family-friendly construction exploration event hosted by Helena WINS is taking place Saturday, June 25 from 9 a.m. to noon.
The event will take place at the International Union of Operating Engineers at 3110 Canyon Ferry Road (just behind the Mini Basket). There will be equipment demonstrations, equipment simulators, local construction companies, and other community programs and resources.
Join us for free food and an interactive morning on the construction industry and future journeys in the Helena area.
For more information, visit, call the chamber at 406-442-4120, or email [email protected].
Social ice cream at the Senior Center
The Helena Senior Center Senior Advisory will be presenting an Ice Cream Social on Saturday, June 25 at the Helena Senior Center, 200 S. Cruse Ave., from 1-4 p.m. Build your own ice cream and enjoy it.
The cost of the social is $5 per person. Ice cream flavors include vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry, with fudge, caramel, blueberry, and sprinkles toppings.
To register for the social, contact Bill Pena, senior center program coordinator at Helena Senior Center, at 406-447-1680, or visit
Friends of MHS celebrate 50 years
The Montana Historical Society, 225 N. Roberts, will gather with old and new friends to celebrate the 50th anniversary of its volunteer program at 3 p.m. Wednesday, June 29.
A small exhibit in the lobby of the MTHS, aptly titled “Fifty Years Among Friends,” will open as part of a celebration of this golden anniversary. A brief ceremony will mark this milestone.
Volunteer coordinator Katie White, left, and Muse volunteer Vicki Smith helped the punches at the opening of the Stan Lynde exhibit. Volunteers old and new will gather at the Montana Historical Society to celebrate the 50th anniversary of its volunteer program on June 29. See the accompanying file for more information.
Photo provided
“We invite all volunteers – past and present – to join us in this celebration,” said volunteer coordinator Katie White.
The volunteer program began in 1972, after Gayle Shanahan, a member of the new Helena Arts Council, suggested that the Montana Historical Society hire volunteers to conduct tours of its exhibits. Then-curator Bob Morgan embraced the idea.
The program quickly exceeded its initial objective.
In 2015, 130 volunteers gave an average of 600 hours per month, performing tasks such as ironing tablecloths; transcribing oral histories; catalog photographs; prepare receptions; provision of educational tours; and digitization of prison records. That year, Governor Steve Bullock honored the Friends’ commitment and hard work with a ServeMontana award.
Members of the group include high schoolers and octogenarians, retired doctors and longtime housewives, descendants of farmers and new residents of Montana.
Celebration at Centennial Park
There will be a 4th of July celebration at Centennial Park, organized and sponsored by Helena Ambassadors and the Old Glory Landmark Committee.
The celebration will begin at 10:30 a.m. with bouncy houses and live music by the Montana Neon Ridge band and a group of student musicians from Helena.
The flag-raising ceremony will begin at 11 a.m. with the arrival of Old Glory by helicopter from the Montana Department of Natural Resources.
Immediately following the National Anthem and the Pledge of Allegiance, hot dogs and root beer floats (all free) will again be served by employees of the Helena Lions Club and Valley Bank. St. Peter’s Health will provide chilled bottled water and sunscreen.
Stuff the Bus grants available
Angel Fund, through Stuff the Bus, will give participating schools a grant to purchase school supplies for their students rather than collecting school supplies for individual students this year.
Area schools can submit grants until August 1, but we’ve already received over $29,000 in applications from a few initial schools and expect them to top $50,000 by August. The schools seem to understand that the needs of many of our students are going to be greater than in the past and are trying to the best of their abilities to provide the resources necessary for all children in the area to start the year ready to learn. .
We will also be hosting a summer fundraiser for Stuff the Bus during the Legion baseball game at Kindrick Legion Field on Tuesday, July 12, at 5:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. The product of the evening will be distributed proportionally according to the schools represented present that evening.
HHS, CHS class of ’82 plans reunion
The 40th class reunions for the Helena and Capital High classes of 1982 are scheduled for August 4-6. Visit your respective school’s Facebook page for more information and to connect with your classmates before and after the meeting.
For Helena High event listings and registration, visit, or contact Orpha at 406-465-3513, [email protected].
Capital High classmates can call 406-442-4222 for more information.
The Red Cross is asking for blood donations
The American Red Cross urges eligible donors to help end the critical need for blood by donating blood. The Red Cross needs donors of all blood types to donate now and help ensure life-saving transfusions are on the sidelines for those who depend on them.
Appointments can be made by downloading the Red Cross Blood Donor app, visiting, calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767), or activating the Blood Donor skill on n any Alexa Echo device.
Nar-Anon Family Group Reunion
The Helena Nar-Anon Family Group, a 12-step program for families and friends of drug addicts, meets Mondays and Thursdays, 5:30-6:30 p.m. at St. Paul’s Methodist Church Library, 512 Logan.
The library is located on the lower level of the main church building. Please enter through the Cruise Avenue entrance. The group observes the COVID-19 protocols required by the church.
Student News
Jackson Kellerof Helena, graduated from George Fox University in Newberg, Oregon. Keller graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Engineering.
Keller was also named to George Fox University’s Dean’s List for the 2022 spring semester. the dean’s list.
Kevin Ferriterson of Betty and Mike Ferriter of Montana City, and a 2009 graduate of Helena High, recently completed his third year of internal medicine residency at the University of Teaxas-Austin.
Before completing his residency, Ferriter graduated from Washington University School of Medicine through the WAMI program. At the recent residence graduation ceremony, Ferriter was recognized by UT-Austin staff as the 2021-2022 Resident of the Year and Resident Educator of the Year. He was selected to serve UT-Austin Medical School as chief resident for the 2022-2023 academic year.
Jake Bubb and Margaret Grantboth Helena graduated from Gonzaga University in Spokane, Wash., in a ceremony held May 8.
Bubb graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, magna cum laude.
Grant completed a Bachelor of Arts in Communication, summa cum laude
Madeline McNeil and Eleanor Stifflerboth from Helena, were named to the Dean’s List at Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington, for the Spring 2022 semester. Students must achieve a 3.5-3.84 GPA to be listed .
native helene Emma Beaver received his Bachelor of Arts from Whitman College in Walla Walla, Washington on May 23. A graduate of Helena High School, Beaver earned a bachelor’s degree in biology.
The General Federation of Woman’s Club Helena has announced that Skylar Ivers received a $1,000 scholarship. Ivers plans to continue his education at MSU-Northern with a major in diesel mechanics.
Alexis Rick received a $1,000 scholarship from the General Federation of Women’s Clubs. Ricks plans to further his education at Helena College and pursue an Associate of Arts degree in social work.