BUFFALO – A specific messaging strategy used in a Public Service Announcement (PSA) video may effectively encourage New Yorkers struggling to comply with recycling to properly separate their waste from recycling, according to the results of a study from the University of Buffalo. The researchers designed the successful video usingRead More →

BARNSTABLE – Eighteen towns on Cape Cod and the Islands received a combined total of $ 207,350 under the state’s Dividend Recycling Program (RDP), Barnstable County announced Monday. Administered by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP), the program recognizes municipalities that have implemented proven policies to maximize material reuseRead More →

With the recent focus on the COP26 summit and the need to improve sustainability, first year art and design students chose Roker Beach to create their artwork designed to highlight the importance of waste recycling for help fight climate change and increasing plastic levels in our oceans. Lily Howarth, 16,Read More →

Steve Bean, transfer station manager in Littleton, NH, and Brian Patnoe, solid waste manager in Lancaster, NH, were recently named recipients of the Northeast Resource Recovery Association (NRRA) recycling awards. The awards recognize organizations and individuals for their contributions in support of NRRA’s partnership mission to strengthen recycling through economicalRead More →

School supplies made from oral hygiene products Trenton-based company TerraCycle has launched a school recycling challenge with Colgate and ShopRite. Participating schools in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and four other states can compete for prizes that include new desks, chairs, backpacks, pencil cases and pens, all made from oral hygiene wasteRead More →

Large-scale commercial demolition projects and building teardowns often lend themselves to straightforward recycling opportunities for contractors. Bulky materials, such as concrete and wood, and high-value materials, such as metal, are systematically handpicked at sites and subsequently recycled. But what happens when a demolition contractor generates materials that are not easilyRead More →