CHANDIGARH: After its six-year reign in the Municipal Corporation, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) suffered a major setback in the MC elections. The Saffron Party seats were reduced from 21 to 12, keeping it from the majority number of 18. The BJP had to bite the dust on the opposition to power, the failure to resolve the issue of the dump. garbage, increased water and sewer charges, and poor parking management.
The BJP’s poll percentage also remained lower than that of its big rival, Congress.
The party was unable to gain many votes in rural areas, villages and settlements as it did in the last elections. This time around, the majority of seats in these areas were won by AAP candidates.
Besides the loss of the MC ballot, the main concern of the Saffron party is that all of its bigwigs, who are prominent figures in the political arena of Chandigarh, have lost their seats. Mayor Ravikant Sharma, two former mayors Davesh Moudgil and Rajesh Kalia, double councilor Heera Negi, head of the women’s wing of BJP Sunita Dhawan and head of the Purvanchal of BJP Gopal Shukla lost their seats. BJP youth wing president Vijay Rana and current advisor Arun Sood also lost to the AAP candidate.
The top leadership defeat reflects most people’s anger with the BJP, due to which they chose the AAP candidates. The absence of city deputy Kirron Kher during the entire period of the Covid pandemic was also a major issue raised by opposition parties.
Thrown in the garbage
The results showed that the headquarters of Daddumajra, which previously belonged to the BJP and four other municipal wards around the Daddumajra landfill, this time went to the AAP or Congress. The BJP was unable to land a single in the region where the party last won the majority of seats in 2016.
The results of these municipal districts, comprising a dozen sectors, settlements and villages, show that the question of garbage dumps has seriously shaken the saffron festival. The settlement of Daddumajra, which belongs to Ward 26, went to the AAP, while its adjacent quarters, 24, 25, 27 and 28, went to Congress, AAP and Congress respectively.
The BJP’s poll percentage also remained lower than that of its big rival, Congress.
The party was unable to gain many votes in rural areas, villages and settlements as it did in the last elections. This time around, the majority of seats in these areas were won by AAP candidates.
Besides the loss of the MC ballot, the main concern of the Saffron party is that all of its bigwigs, who are prominent figures in the political arena of Chandigarh, have lost their seats. Mayor Ravikant Sharma, two former mayors Davesh Moudgil and Rajesh Kalia, double councilor Heera Negi, head of the women’s wing of BJP Sunita Dhawan and head of the Purvanchal of BJP Gopal Shukla lost their seats. BJP youth wing president Vijay Rana and current advisor Arun Sood also lost to the AAP candidate.
The top leadership defeat reflects most people’s anger with the BJP, due to which they chose the AAP candidates. The absence of city deputy Kirron Kher during the entire period of the Covid pandemic was also a major issue raised by opposition parties.
Thrown in the garbage
The results showed that the headquarters of Daddumajra, which previously belonged to the BJP and four other municipal wards around the Daddumajra landfill, this time went to the AAP or Congress. The BJP was unable to land a single in the region where the party last won the majority of seats in 2016.
The results of these municipal districts, comprising a dozen sectors, settlements and villages, show that the question of garbage dumps has seriously shaken the saffron festival. The settlement of Daddumajra, which belongs to Ward 26, went to the AAP, while its adjacent quarters, 24, 25, 27 and 28, went to Congress, AAP and Congress respectively.